Recently, KriArj Entertainment and T-Series walked out as the producers of Kedarnath, which is being helmed by Abhishek Kapoor. The film stars Sushant Singh Rajput and Sara Ali Khan. According to the reports in a leading Indian daily, Sara’s mother Amrita Singh had a heated argument with Abhishek Kapoor, as she was worried about Sara's career.
A source stated to a leading Indian daily, "When Gattu (Abhishek Kapoor) called Dingy (Amrita) to tell her about his decision to fly solo with Kedarnath and only getting a big studio on board for the release; Amrita completely lost her cool with him. A heated argument took place between the two."
Earlier, a source revealed to a leading Indian daily about the disagreement and a legal course between Abhishek and KriArj. A source said, "KriArj Entertainment and T-Series decided to come on board since they believed in the film and in Abhishek Kapoor's vision. However, as Kedarnath unfolded several issues pertaining the dates of the talent, prep time and delays in the film's delivery began cropping up. Abhishek replaced several of the crew members and technicians at the very last minute. Despite investing a huge sum of funding into the project, Kedarnath was going way overbudget owing to Gattu's constant unreasonable demands. He not only delayed the shoot of the film by six months but also majorly interfered with the firm's financial planning and overall business workings. Abhishek also demanded that a higher price is quoted for the music rights and this despite T-Series being music moguls and being the best in the music industry."
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