The unfortunate demise of television actor Karan Paranjpe has left his family and friends saddened. Actor Sehban Azim, who worked with him in Dill Mill Gaye, and shared a close friendship with the actor, said to a leading Indian daily, ''We're yet to come to terms with the news. He was a very happy individual and was doing well professionally, too. I don't remember him getting annoyed about anything. Karan was very hardworking and Karan Wahi also spoke to his cousin and was told he had no severe ailment.''
Remembering the old times of working together in Dill Mill Gaye, Sehban said, ''There were three Karans on the show - Karan Paranjape, Karan Wahi, and Karan Singh Grover. So we used to call him Jiggy/ Jigs; it was the short form of his character's name from the show. He played a Gujarati boy, Jignesh.''
''Jigs was a good actor, but he didn't have acting dreams. He learnt filmmaking and writing and was assisting Palki Malhotra (show creator), when she asked him to do Jignesh's character - and he performed brilliantly. Then he did another Marathi show before turning producer,'' Sehban added.
Sehban mentioned that he found no time to meet Karan Paranjpe. He said, ''The sad part is that we all get so busy with our lives that we miss out on life and meeting our old friends and relatives. I wish we all had taken out the time and caught up sometime. We don't understand is that life is so unpredictable that anything can happen to anyone anytime.''
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