Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood superstar, is gearing up to launch his daughter Suhana Khan into the theatrical world with a bang, as she prepares for her debut in the film King. With the renowned director Siddharth Anand handling the action sequences and Sujoy Ghosh taking the directorial reins, the project promises to be nothing short of spectacular.
Adding to the anticipation, Shah Rukh Khan himself is deeply involved in every aspect of the film's creation, as it unfolds under his banner, Red Chillies Entertainment.
Recent reports have unveiled an intriguing update about Shah Rukh Khan's character in King - he's set to don the role of a don once again! The film's title itself hints at his character's prominence, portraying him as the 'king of the underworld'.
While initial speculation hinted at a Hindi adaptation of the Hollywood classic Leon: The Professional, the makers are yet to confirm this detail. However, sources close to the production reveal that King holds a special place in Shah Rukh Khan's heart, marking it as his passion project. Collaborating closely with Anand and Ghosh, the trio has crafted a character with charisma and swagger that befits the superstar's stature.
Contrary to earlier rumours of the film's shelving, King is very much on track, with meticulous attention given to its pre-production phase. Set to commence filming in September 2024, both Shah Rukh Khan and Suhana are undergoing rigorous training to master the action sequences, underscoring their dedication to the project.
With an eye on a late 2025 release, the makers are leaving no stone unturned to ensure King emerges as a cinematic spectacle worth the wait.
As fans eagerly await the unveiling of Shah Rukh Khan's latest venture, "King" promises to captivate audiences with its blend of action, drama, and the magnetic allure of the Khan family legacy.