On 21st December, Bollywood movie Zero (2018) completed one year of its theatrical release. Yes, the same film wherein megastar Shah Rukh Khan was seen onscreen for the last time. Also featuring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif in central characters, the romantic drama did not match up to high expectations and turned out to be a loss-making affair for everyone involved.
So, yes, it has been a whole year since SRK has not faced the camera. His fans all over the world have been waiting for him to raise the curtain on his next project, but looks like the superstar is taking his own sweet little time before making an official announcement regarding his next outing as an actor.
If sources are to be believed, Shah Rukh Khan has definitely finalized his next. Reportedly, he has joined forces with celebrated filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani, and an announcement should come in the New Year.
“It should come ideally very quickly into the new year. Fans were expecting an announcement on his birthday on November 2, but that did not happen. So, we should now patiently wait for SRK to speak about it. Shah Rukh and Hirani met recently at a Mukesh Ambani event and exchanged notes as well,” a source tells a publication.
Buzz also has it that Khan is in talks with the filmmaker duo Raj & DK as well. However, the project with them may take time in taking off. As far as his film with South Indian filmmaker Atlee is concerned, we hear that the superstar has asked the director to work more on the script. He will give his final nod to the project only when he is completely satisfied with the script.
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