Shah Rukh Khan was last seen on the big screen in Zero. The film, which also starred Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif, was a disaster at the box office. SRK has not yet announced his next film and there are reports that on his birthday, 2nd November, the actor will announce his next project. Reportedly, he will be seen in a film titled Sanki which will be directed by Atlee.
Now, according to a report in a tabloid, Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in a cameo in Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Amitabh Bachchan starrer Brahmastra. A source told the tabloid, “It’s a guest appearance but Shah Rukh plays a pivotal role in taking Ranbir’s journey forward. He has already allotted his dates for his portions and will shoot before the year-end.”
Ayan Mukerji, the director of Brahmastra, is a big fan of SRK, and he wrote a part that could only be played by the actor. The source said, “Shah Rukh himself likes Ayan’s work and immediately agreed to the cameo. And like everyone else’s in the film, even SRK’s character has the mythological touch.”
Well, in 2016, SRK had done a cameo in Ranbir Kapoor’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. His cameo was one of the highlights of the film. We are sure it will be interesting to see the two actors sharing the screen space once again.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will be heading to Manali to shoot for a 15-day schedule of the film. We wonder if SRK will join them in that schedule.
Brahmastra was slated to hit the screens in December this year. But has been postponed to Summer 2020. The makers have not yet officially announced the release date of the film. The movie also stars Nagarjuna and Dimple Kapadia.
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