There have been a lot of rumours about superstar Shah Rukh Khan teaming up with Tamil filmmaker Atlee. Recently, both were spotted attending an IPL match together, which led to speculations that the former is set to remake the latter’s blockbuster Tamil film, Mersal (2017).
However, if latest reports are to be believed, Khan is not remaking Mersal. He is, in fact, playing an important role in Atlee’s next directorial venture, which stars southern superstar Vijay in the lead role.
Titled Thalapathy 63, the movie will feature Shah Rukh Khan as an antagonist. "SRK has a prominent character that he is playing in Thalapathy 63. It's not like his other cameos. In fact, he is the main villain who comes in the picture only towards the climax. He has a good 15 minutes odd role, fighting Vijay. The makers wanted a leading face from the Hindi film industry to shoot for the role and when Atlee approached Shah Rukh for it, he agreed," a source reveals to an Indian daily.
The source goes on to add that SRK will soon start shooting for his portion."It's a four-five day shoot and the team is figuring whether to film the scenes in Chennai or in Mumbai itself.”
On Bollywood front, Khan has not signed any film after the poor performance of his last release Zero. In his recent media interaction at the Beijing International Film Festival in China, he said that he would be able to decide on his next project around June.
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