Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is set to present National Award-winning filmmaker Rima Das’ upcoming directorial venture Bulbul Can Sing as the opening night film of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. The Assamese film revolves around three teenagers trying to come to terms with their sexual identities.
For the uninitiated, Rima Das is an Indian filmmaker who rose to international fame and acclaim when her 2017 Assamese film Village Rockstars won the National Award for Best Feature Film and Best Editor in 2018. The movie was later picked as India’s official entry to the Oscars. Now, the filmmaker is gearing up to travel to Melbourne for the premiere of her new offering Bulbul Can Singh at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne.
Sharing her excitement, Rima Das said in a statement, “I love the enthusiasm and exuberance of opening night. (I am) so excited that Bulbul Can Sing is the opening night film at Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Special thanks to the organisers. The film has truly been special for me as a filmmaker. The response and appreciation we have received from across the places we had travelled to with the film is also very special. I’m looking forward to the Australian premiere of the film and interacting with the audiences there and having a conversation with them on cinema.”
The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne is an annual festival which takes place in the cultural capital of Australia. The festival is celebrating its decade long initiative to promote Indian cinema this year. Shah Rukh Khan will be attending the opening night screening of the film and present it to the Australian audiences in Melbourne.
Bulbul Can Sing, which has previously travelled to several international film festivals across the globe, is scheduled for its screening on 8th August and this will be the official Australian premiere of the film.