Almost two months ago, tinsel town was buzzing with the news that actor Shahid Kapoor was teaming up with filmmaker Imtiaz Ali for a new film. The duo last worked together on the 2007 blockbuster movie, Jab We Met. However, soon reports surfaced that the project has been put on the backburner for various reasons.
When Kapoor was recently asked about the same, he confirmed that the film with Imtiaz Ali is not happening anytime soon and that they will probably collaborate on something else. “The film is not happening this year. We will probably work on something else,” the Padmaavat star said.
Shahid Kapoor is currently shooting for Shree Narayan Singh's forthcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu. He is also being considered for the Hindi remake of Telugu blockbuster, Arjun Reddy. He might sign the project on the dotted line in a couple of days.