Shashank Vyas is back in action! The actor, who became a household name after playing the male lead Jagdish Bhairon Singh in Sphere Origins’ iconic show Balika Vadhu, will soon be seen in Rashmi Sharma Telefilms’ ongoing series, Roop - Mard Ka Naya Swaroop.
The makers rolled out the promo of the show recently, which received favourable response from the viewers.
“The feedback for the promo is superb. This is the kind of role that I haven’t done before. My character is college-going and flamboyant,” says the actor.
He adds, “My look is very young. I love the Jackets that I am getting to wear as they are very trendy. In the past, in shows such as Balika Vadhu and Jana Na Dil Se Door, I played Rajasthani guy and an Army man respectively. But, in the current role of Roop, there is a lot of Shashank Vyas. I am sure the audience and fans will like my look.”
Shashank adds that his father has given him the best compliment for the promo of his new show. “My father liked the promo but, at the same time, he told me that this is just the promo and that I should look perfect and deliver a great performance constantly in the show as well.”
Roop - Mard Ka Naya Swaroop airs on Colors.
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