Actor Shivin Narang, who is set to make his comeback with the upcoming Colors’ show Internet Wala Love, is back from a rejuvenating trip with his parents. The actor had gone to Nashik to visit the temples there over the weekend.
“We had an amazing time. We explored a lot of temples from Trimbakeshwar to Panchavati. I have taken blessings before my new show Internet Wala Love begins. We also explored the Dada Saheb Phalke museum in Nashik,” he says.
The actor adds, “The journey was really very beautiful. I can't describe it in words... one must go to experience that mystic feeling.”
Shivin says that it is important for actors to take regular breaks. “A break is important for anyone as it makes you happy, energises you and gives you a fresh perspective as an actor. Also, breaks are important for your mind. I love the feel of Nashik. It's very pleasant... for my parents, it was their first visit and they also really enjoyed,” he says.