Met Gala 2023 witnessed numerous Indian celebrities walking the red carpet. Shloka Mehta's sister fashion consultant Diya Mehta Jatia nailed her Gala presence in a beautiful outfit and a Radha-Krishna hair accessory.
Diya took to her Instagram handle on Tuesday to share her experience of walking the Gala red carpet.
Mehta wrote, "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty.
At the Met Gala 2023... celebrating the legacy of a man who defined fashion and style as we know today. For me, fashion is all about breaking barriers and blending cultures... And today seemed the perfect way to do that! I'm honored to represent my heritage on this global platform by adding a touch of India to this stunning Prabal Gurung outfit. An unforgettable night of glamour, fashion, and art awaits!
As Mehta looked stunning in a black and emerald green shade gown by Prabal Gurung. She got dressed in a black halter neck bodice with green coloured pleated satin skirt. She opted for minimal makeup with black eyeliner, well-defined eyebrows and glossy lipstick. The highlight of her look went to the diamond-studded hair accessory of the deity Radha-Krishna decorated with white, green and pink stones all over it.
Referred to as "fashion's biggest night out," the Met Gala is a fundraising benefit for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The event welcomes stars, young creatives, and industry paragons The annual fundraiser began in 1948. Publicist Eleanor Lambert came up with the idea to raise money for the newly opened Costume Institute exhibit.
This year's theme is "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty," based on the new Costume Institute exhibition exploring the work of the iconic designer. Lagerfeld, who died in 2019 at the age of 85, spent decades creating clothes for Balmain, Patou, Chloe, Fendi and Chanel in addition to his own namesake label.