Speculations are rife in Bollywood corridors that Varun Dhawan has been roped in to play the male lead in filmmaker Amar Kaushik’s next directorial offering. Kaushik, who became a creative force to reckon with after the huge success of Stree (2018) and then Bala (2019), is set to commence work on his next titled Bhediya. Producer Dinesh Vijan is bankrolling the horror-comedy under Maddock Films.
The latest update on the forthcoming project is that Shraddha Kapoor might bag the female lead role in it. If the actress manages to snag the part, it will reunite her with Varun Dhawan after Street Dancer 3D (2020).
A source in the know informs an entertainment portal, “Shraddha Kapoor is one of the top contenders for Bhediya. It is yet another horror comedy for the team after Stree and when Amar was looking for an actress to step in as the main lead opposite Varun, he approached Shraddha for the same. He has given her a narration and she has liked it. But the other modalities need to be worked out before she signs on the dotted line. The team plans to roll the film sometime in Itanagar.”
Stree, starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, was one of the highest-grossing films of 2018. If Shraddha signs Bhediya on the dotted line, it will not only mark her reunion with Varun Dhawan but filmmaker Amar Kaushik also. Plus, it will be a second horror-comedy for her after Stree.
Meanwhile, Shraddha Kapoor is presently waiting for the commencement of successful filmmaker Luv Ranjan’s next directorial. The untitled film stars Ranbir Kapoor as the male lead. Shraddha and Ranbir are coming together for the very first time, which makes the project even more special for film enthusiasts.
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