Shraddha Kapoor has been raking in immense appreciation for her noteworthy performance in the actress' recently released film, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor. The actress has hit the bullseye with the audience with her commendable portrayal of a foxy girlfriend as 'Tinni', looking her glamourous best on screen.
There is no denying that Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar sees Shraddha's career-best act. She has put forward a more confident, unhinged, and expressive foot than she has ever done so far. The character of 'Tinni' is easily unlikable but the actor's innocence keeps the audience hooked till the end.
Throughout the story, Shraddha leaves no stone unturned when it comes to acting and dialogue delivery. Shraddha not only mesmerized the audience with her glamorous avatar in the song's video but also enthralled everyone with her electrifying dance moves in 'Show Me The Thumka' and a special introductory song.
Netizens have taken the internet by storm as they pour wishes and appreciation for the actress. See what they have to say:
The actress's performance is a complete package of fantastic screen presence and maintains a strong position. She also shines in an important emotional sequence in the film. Shraddha will now be next seen in the much-awaited sequel to her hit film, Stree.
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