Well-known television actor Siddhant Karnick, who has several successful shows to his credit including Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani, Gustakh Dil and Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani, has confirmed his divorce from television actress and model, Megha Gupta.
In his latest interview, the actor said that he is finally at peace, “No marriage is easy. In our case, I would say that we ran out of patience. In any relationship, peace of mind is of paramount importance. It’s like you pinch yourself on your arm and keep that pressed… after some time, you get used to it and live with it. Then suddenly, when you separate and that pinch goes away, you feel, ‘Oh, my God! I was missing this peace of mind’. That’s the best way I can summarise my marriage. Megha and I went for therapy and tried to do everything we could to make it work, but in vain. We even started living separately in March last year. We felt that it would be better if we lived apart for some time and see if distance made the heart grow fonder. However, we realised that we had more peace of mind when we were not together. Having said that, it’s not that we weren’t good together. In fact, we were great together. She is a great travel partner and I have some of the best travel memories with her. But I guess, there was so much more that we were both looking for. That’s when we decided to go our separate ways. I have realised that two good people might not make for a great marriage.”
Talking further about his divorce, Karnick said, “Divorces can get ugly, but fortunately, it didn’t turn ugly for us. That’s because Megha and I decided to leave when there was still a little love left between us, which helped us sail through.”