After a not-so-successful run of seven months, Star Plus’ medical show Sanjivani is set to bid adieu to audiences. Toplined by Surbhi Chandna, Namit Khanna, Mohnish Bahl and Gurdeep Kohli, the series hit the airwaves on August 12, 2019 and garnered good response from viewers. However, it could not sustain the momentum for long, and reports about the show shutting up shop started doing the rounds soon.
Just a couple of days ago, it was officially announced that Sanjivani is being pulled down. And now the news is coming in that the producer of the show, Siddharth P Malhotra, has confirmed that he is working on a new medical show.
While talking to an entertainment portal, Malhotra had earlier hinted that Sanjivani could make a comeback with a new season but now it has been confirmed that instead of churning out a new season of Sanjivani, the producer is working on a new show on the same line. Malhotra confirmed the same to an entertainment portal and said that a new medical series is on the anvil.
“Not Sanjivani, but a medical show is being written. The platform is not decided. It will be fully written, made how we want it and then released,” said Malhotra who has also directed notable films like We Are Family (2010) and Hichki (2018).
He went on to add, “Nothing decided; I will write the full things first. I will make this show how I want it without anyone’s feedback or approval as is the case if you pre-sell it to anyone, and when I am happy then I will release it.”
Meanwhile, Sanjivani is set to air its last episode on 14th March 2020.