Ever since Sidharth Malhotra debuted in Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year, he has worked in an array of varied genre films. Currently, he has been receiving positive responses for his performance in his last release, Aiyaary. He will be next featured in the biopic based on the Kargil martyr, Captain Vikram Batra.
“In these few years, I’ve consciously made it a point to not repeat myself or choose the easy route,” said Sidharth. "All my films have been different. When I came to the industry, being a young actor, this was my way of standing out, where I’d try new things and not just bold and edgier films. And I’m happy with the choices I’ve made —though some worked, and some didn’t, " he added.
Speaking about what took him so long to agree to work on a biopic, Sidharth said, “A biopic needs to mean something. As an actor, I need to feel the connect. A biopic is not a fictitious story. It is based on a real person and I think one needs to handle that with a lot of sensitivity. The character that I’ll be playing next is very sensitive and his story is also quite touching. When I was approached for the film, and they spoke to me about the character, I felt it means a lot to me and I have so much respect for him.”
When asked about whether he had watched LOC Kargil (2003) which had Abhishek Bachchan as Captain Vikram Batra, Sidharth said, “Yes, Abhishek played the same character, but I don’t think I’ll watch the film because it wasn’t a biopic.”