Sidharth Malhotra brings different charm on screen. After his debut in Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year, the actor has worked in movies of varied genres. Sidharth is currently promoting his upcoming film Aiyaary.
During an interview with a leading Indian daily, Sidharth was asked to comment about how has his career shaped up and whether he is happy about it. Sidharth said, "I can never be happy. I can’t be absolutely satisfied. It’s a be completely satisfied, especially in our business. In this industry, if one Friday is very satisfying, another might not be, and I have had my fair share of both in this journey. It has definitely helped me grow and got me to experience both, the highs and the lows. So, it’s a great experience. It’s training me in some way to do better and bigger things and preparing me for the future."
"As of now, I am happy that I have tried different things. Yes, some have worked, some haven’t, but that’s an experience that I will be taking forward. The kick of just trying something that’s out-of-the-box and not expected of you is great. Be it an Iteffaq where I had a negative role or even Aiyaary...or even Ek Villain’s Guru, who was an extremely aggressive character. It’s not like I have anything against the run-of-the-mill, mainstream films. I love them and grew up on them as well, and I will do that, but my instinct on these stories was that they need to be told... they will be newer, fresher. But I have also learnt not to be fearful of making different choices and listening to my instincts," added the actor.
On being asked, if he deliberately chooses to do realistic roles, Sidharth said, "I think the stories have also changed because the audience wants to watch them now. Today, real stories are being accepted in the mainstream in a commercial way. If you look at Aiyaary, it’s my most real film in that sense. We haven’t used any sets, they are all real locations. We have shown what they are likely to do, how they would behave. We are playing real-life spies, not the James Bond kind of characters. It’s a good variety that I am not playing larger than life. Doing it with a director like Neeraj Pandey, who has done so well in this zone, is a great opportunity."
Adding further, he said, "The fear of shying away from trying new things isn’t something that overwhelms me. I haven’t shied away from trying new things, but I like to balance both — something that is very typical with something that’s edgy and out-of-the-box. If I can balance both these things in one year I think it will be a great year."
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