Reality shows, featuring children, have always been big winners on Indian television screens. Today, almost every leading general entertainment channel has one or two such shows garnering huge TRPs for them. In a bid to rake in more TRP, now ZEE TV has decided to bring back its popular children reality show India’s Best Dramebaaz. Yes, the channel will be launching the third season of the hit series in the coming weeks and it has also been confirmed that diva Sonali Bendre will sit on the judging panel one more time.
The actress, who has been the judge on the previous two seasons of the show as well, says, “I have been associated with India’s best Dramebaazsince its inception and it feels like a homecoming each time a new season is announced. I have always loved the show as it brings out the best talent hidden in the kids of our country. The platform serves as a catalyst in moulding their future as it gives them the confidence to face the world.”
Bendre says that she has been fond of kids even before she became a mother. “I have always been fond of kids even before I embraced motherhood. The young brigade of kids is extremely talented and it has been an enriching experience to watch their talent come alive on the stage of India’s Best Dramebaaz. They have a different kind of energy and their honesty and dedication towards their craft is what inspires me,” she said.
Besides Sonali Bendre, the previous two instalments of the series also had Vivek Oberoi and Sajid Khan as co-judges. Whether they will be a part of India’s Best Dramebaaz 3 or not is yet to be disclosed by the channel.