Sonam Kapoor has been receiving high appreciations for her performance in Padman. Talking about the same, Sonam said to a leading Indian daily, “Rave reviews are a bonus, and I’m thankful for them. But the best thing an actor can ask for is a good role and being part of cinema that inspires him or her to be better at the job. I love it when everything- from the narration, script, talented co-actors, and an exciting role coalesces into a film. In today’s times, content drives creative collaborations. I’m happy and proud to be associated with a film that dared to be different.”
Talking about doing varied genre films and garnering positive response for the same, Sonam said, “It’s a huge boost for me to know that a certain filmmaker believes in me or thinks that I can fit into his or her vision. I’m grateful for the variety that has been offered to me.”
“I don’t think I can call it effortless. Striking an equation with the camera didn’t come naturally to me. I worked on it and tried to polish it with each film,” she added.
Moreover, she said, “My real ambition is to grow as a human being and become a smarter person.” Adding further, she said, “When you do something with the right intention and purpose, things look up for you. I guess that’s what shifted or changed for me. So, I decided, I want to be in a happy space, work with people who are nice to me and who don’t torture me on the sets.”