Actor Sooraj Pancholi, who is currently shooting for his second Bollywood film Time To Dance, has signed a new movie. The young actor will play an army officer in the upcoming untitled film, which will be helmed by National Film Award-winning director Irfan Kamal.
Murad Khetani, who has earlier produced the Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor starrer Mubarakan (2017), is bankrolling the project.
Talking about his movie and Pancholi’s character in it, the producer says, “It is a human story of a soldier set against the backdrop of a travelogue. Sooraj’s character will go from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. We will launch a new girl opposite him.”
Sooraj will start preparing for his role right after completing Time To Dance, which is being shot in London. He will undergo combat training to get into the skin of his character. To look like an army man, he will also get himself a military cut.
Sooraj Pancholi, who is the son of seasoned Bollywood actor Aditya Pancholi, made his acting debut with the 2015 film Hero. Produced by Salman Khan, the film did not do well at the cash counter. We hope his upcoming ventures help him gain a footing in the industry.