Acclaimed Hindi filmmaker Sudhir Mishra’s much-awaited directorial venture Daas Dev has shifted its release date once again. Earlier scheduled to hit screens on 20th April, the film will now enter cinemas on 27th April 2018.
The decision has been taken to avoid a box-office clash with other films releasing this Friday. With around four Bollywood movies and a couple of regional films lined up for release on 20th April, the makers opted for a less cluttered window on 27th April.
Confirming the new release date, producer Sanjeev Kumar says, “I trust my release partners- presenter and distributor. I believe they are doing a fabulous job back-end. We have a clutter-free date now and every producer makes a film with this anticipation of a dream run, so have I. It really takes a lot of guts to take a hard stance which both Storm Pictures and Shirngar films have displayed."
Daas Dev stars Rahul Bhat, Richa Chadha and Aditi Rao Hydary in pivotal roles. Besides these stars, the movie also boasts the presence of Saurabh Shukla, Vipin Sharma, Dalip Tahil, Deep Raj Rana, Anil Sharma and Sohaila Kapoor. Anurag Kashyap and Vineet Singh also appear in cameo appearances.