BOLLYWOOD singing queen Shreya Ghoshal has ruled the hearts of fans around the world and cast a spell with her magical voice. One of her most dedicated admirers is Harinder Singh from Pathankot in Punjab, India, who goes that one step extra.
Eastern Eye caught up with the super fan to find out more.
What connected you to Shreya?
Shreya Ghoshal is the voice of India. It’s difficult for me to explain my respect and love for Shreya didi.
What made you a super fan?
It was her beautiful voice. I have listened to her every song, no matter the language, and the connection has grown stronger with each song.
Tell us about something super you have done for Shreya?
I have tried making sketches of her. I had also worked hard to create fan pages dedicated to Shreya didi, which gained popularity, but it got deleted on Instagram without warning. Now, I post regularly when I can about her only.
What has been your most memorable moment?
My most memorable moment was when my Instagram account was live and Shreya didi sent me two messages there. I will not forget her kindness. Whenever I remember those messages, I feel happy.
What is the thing you most love about Shreya?
I am so much in love with her voice and songs. Whenever I am feeling sad, I just listen to her songs, and they make me happy. She is the voice of serenity, emotion, versatility and love.
Which quality in Shreya do you most relate to?
Shreya didi is a good human being. She loves and respects everyone, including her fans, equally. I try to do the same.
What is your favourite work Shreya has done?
I am proud of all the amazing work she has done, so it’s difficult to choose one. But I do love her song Pal, which she sang with Arijit Singh. She has gifted us so many great solo songs, and I hope she continues to do so with a smile.
Why do you love being a super fan?
My love and respect for Shreya didi is endless. I am a big fan of her songs. They give me strength, happiness and freshness.
Twitter: @SgianHarry