Surbhi Jyoti, who is one of the biggest names in the Indian Television industry, is all set to make her Bollywood debut with a film titled Kya Meri Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai. Also starring Jassie Gill, the movie will premiere on Zee5 in September 2021.
On Wednesday (18), Surbhi had tweeted, “Hello my lovelies... I have something very exciting to share with you guys... Stay tuned.”
And on Thursday (19), Zee5 shared the first look poster of the film. They tweeted, “Pata chalega sabhi ko, jald hi sirf #ZEE5 par #KyaMeriSonamGuptaBewafaHai #BewafaOrNot.”
Well, the words ‘Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai’ in the title surely remind us of a funny social media trend that had happened a few years ago. For the uninitiated, a few years ago, in India, ‘Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai’ was trending on social media as a jilted lover had written that on a Rs. 10 note, and the picture of the same was doing the rounds.
After having a look at the poster of Kya Meri Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai, we wonder if the movie has taken some inspiration from the real-life funny incident. On the poster, we can see notes of Rs. 10 and it has ‘Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai’ written on it.
Well, we are sure fans of Surbhi Jyoti are excited about her Hindi film debut. Meanwhile, Jassie Gill, who is a big name in the Punjabi film industry, has earlier worked in Hindi movies like Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi and Panga.
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