Suriya is set to join forces with celebrated filmmaker Bala one more time, the actor announced on Thursday after much speculation. News about the two coming together for their hat-trick film first emerged in 2019. Now, the actor himself has officially announced that he is headlining Bala’s next directorial venture.
Sharing a picture with his father Sivakumar and director Bala, Suriya tweeted in Tamil, which translates to, “He who has more faith in me than me. He is the one who introduced me to a new world and gave me an identity. 20 years later, I stand before him again with the same enthusiasm. With my father’s blessings, a beautiful journey again with my brother. I seek everyone’s love and support.”
Suriya, best known for his work in Tamil cinema, first collaborated with Bala 20 years ago on Nanda (2001). Also featuring Laila in the lead role, the action-drama film hit a home run at the box office. In 2003, the duo joined hands for Pithamagan, which also featured Chiyaan Vikram in a lead role along with Suriya. This film also managed to meet audiences’ expectations and emerged as a huge money-spinner at the ticket window. The film has earned a huge fan following over the years.
Suriya also appeared in a cameo in Bala’s 2011 film Avan Ivan, which had Vishal and Arya in starring roles. Recently, the National Film Award-winning filmmaker directed Suriya’s wife Jyotika in Naachiyaar (2018).
Meanwhile, Suriya is looking forward to the release of his next film Jai Bhim. Directed by T. J. Gnanavel and produced by Suriya himself under the banner of 2D Entertainment, the legal drama is slated to start streaming on 2nd November on Amazon Prime Video.
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