Sushmita Sen is presently basking in the huge success of her debut web-series Aarya. Premiered on June 19, the Ram Madhvani and Sandeep Modi created series has amassed millions of views so far and is still receiving love from all around the world.
Before Aarya came her way, Sen received multiple film offers. However, she turned them down as nothing piqued her interest. Now, the actress agrees that saying no too many times is like alienating people and might convey the wrong message.
Talking to a leading publication, the former Miss Universe says, “We are in a business with humungous egos and that is not a secret. Each time you say no, then that is a problem, you are a problem. It might mean you do not want to work.”
The actress, who returned to the Hindi entertainment space after a decade with Aarya, goes on to add, “For me, it has always been about being honest and responsible about the work I take up. Good, bad, or ugly - I chose this, so I am responsible. So those offers that came to me sometimes were not good enough. Sometime it would be like we are doing you a favour by keeping you in the industry. That does not work with me.”
Sen says that she enjoys working in a stricter environment where she is told on her face when she goes wrong. “I wanted to collaborate with fantastic and creative minds in every department. As an actor, I would enjoy working in a stricter environment where I am told on my face when I go wrong rather than those ‘wah wah! kya shot diya!’ reactions. I needed that big time and that is what inspired me to grow, otherwise, I am just another actor trying to stay in the game. And I had learned to say ‘no’ many years ago, I say it euphorically,” she says in conclusion.
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