The Bhushan Kumar-led T-Series Films has started shooting for their forthcoming movie, titled Koi Jaane Na. The psychological thriller, which is currently being shot in Panchgani, features Kunal Kapoor and Amyra Dastur in its lead cast. It is helmed by Amin Hajee who is making his directorial debut with it.
Talking about his journey in the film industry, Hajee says, “Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to direct my own film, right from when I assisted Mazhar Khan on Gang in 1988, which was a life-changing experience.”
The debutant director also reveals that it was after working with Ashutosh Gowarikar and Aamir Khan on the film Swades (2004) that he realized directing a film which one has written himself gives immense creative satisfaction.
“I realised that directing a movie you have written and envisaged is the Highest of Highs you can feel in the world of films. So, I continued to write and joined Vikram Bhatt in writing horror and thrillers which I enjoyed immensely and learned so much about script writing. After the success of Haunted (2011) and 1920 Evil Returns (2012), I decided to take a break and write my own script. This is when Koi Jaane Naa happened.”
Set to hit screens on 11th October, 2019, Koi Jaane Na also stars Aditi Gowitrikar, Raj Zutshi and others.