Bollywood actress Tanisha Mukerji, who is known for her work in such films as Sarkar (2005) and Sarkar Raj (2008), has revealed that she went through the procedure of egg freezing at the age of 33, in case she wants to start a family at a later stage in her life.
Speaking more about her decision, the 43-year-old actress told a leading publication that she wanted to opt for the process of egg freezing at the age of 33, however, her doctors advised her against the move at that age.
“I did not have a baby and all these things were going on in my mind. I finally got some guidance and froze my eggs at the age of 39. But I also put on a lot of weight due to the procedure. They pump you with a lot of Progesterone and it bloats you a lot. Not putting on weight, you become round and glowing and become very beautiful. I love pregnant women; they are in their most beautiful phase with that baby glow. I was very happy about freezing my eggs,” she told the publication.
She further added that it is completely alright for women to not have children. “Adopt, there is enough in this world. More people need to go out and talk about this. It is okay for women to not have children. That’s not the only calling in your life. It is okay to not get married, not be in a relationship and not define yourself with a man beside you. Back in the day, my grandmother and women did not define themselves with the man. We have gone wrong somewhere in the middle. My grandmother was strong, amazing personality, who never defined herself with a man”, she said in conclusion.
Tanisha Mukerji is the younger daughter of veteran actress Tanuja and sister of seasoned actress Kajol. She made her acting debut in 2003 with the slasher film Sssshhh...
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