Fans were really excited ahead of the launch of Velma, a spin-off of Scooby-Doo. However, the same fans are now trolling the main lead and executive producer of the spin-off series, Mindy Kaling for the show’s writing, humour, and dialogues.
They are also disliking it for its animation style, violence, gore, explicit language, nudity, and how the iconic characters are shown in it, with some fans saying the series has ‘destroyed’ the classic cartoon by changing its tone and tenor. Here are some of the reactions we found on Twitter.
“The only thing I’ll say about that Velma show is that it’s insane to me that “adult” shows rely so much on vulgarity and snark as their only sensibilities when stuff like this is already very funny,” wrote one user.
Another wrote, “This Velma show is one hell of an anomaly. I see righties saying it’s bad cause its woke, and lefties saying it’s bad cause it's anti-woke.”
A third user commented, “Nevermind, I hate the Velma show. WHY DOES FRED SOUND LIKE THAT? Why is Velma so passive-aggressive and rude too, wtf? This is nasty. Fred is also super racist and rude like wtf.”
Nevermind, I hate the Velma show. WHY DOES FRED SOUND LIKE THAT. Why is Velma so passive aggressive and rude too, wtf. This is nasty. Fred is also super racist and rude like wtf
— ✨B L I S S✨? FWA’23 (@BurrfullyThicc) January 12, 2023
“I love how the Velma show is so bad that is making people remember the actual good Scooby Doo shows. Someone post some clips from the best Scooby Doo movie Cyberchase,” wrote a fourth user.
The logline of Velma reads, “Velma is an adult animated comedy series telling the origin story of Velma Dinkley, the unsung and under-appreciated brains of the Scooby Doo Mystery Inc gang. This original and humorous spin unmasks the complex and colourful past of one of America’s most beloved mystery solvers.”