According to sources, filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar will kick-start the first shooting schedule of his upcoming film Bharat, starring megastar Salman Khan opposite Priyanka Chopra, in the Indian state of Punjab.
Reportedly, Zafar will first shoot the scenes involving India-Pakistan partition, for which he has scouted 45 villages in Punjab. Soon, Salman Khan and Zafar, along with their team, will move to the state for a 15-days long shooting schedule.
“The idea is to make the most significant event of our country extremely real. The set will transport the audiences to the times of the partition. Ali and his team went scouting in 45 villages in Punjab to lock the exact location where Salman will film these scenes. Kila Raipur, Gujjarwal, Bilga and Ghungrana are some of the villages where they have done a recce so far. He is yet to decide on the village that will be the starting point of Bharat’s Punjab schedule,” reveals a source.
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bharat is being financed by Atul Agnihotri, Alvira Khan Agnihotri and Bhushan Kumar. The makers have locked Eid 2019 for its release.