Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is the only Indian actress to be featured on Time Magazine's prestigious 100 Most Influential People list, and fellow actress Priyanka Chopra tweeted a shout-out to her colleague, saying she was proud of the Padmaavat actress.
Indians featured in the Influential People list also include Ola co-founder Bhavish Aggarwal and cricketer Virat Kohli.
"So happy and proud to see my friends Deepika Padukone and Virat Kohli on the #Time100 list. Big congratulations and so well deserved. #DesiPower #Represent," Chopra's tweet read.
Padukone is featured in the Artists category of the Time 100 list of 2018. Her fellow honorees include Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Gal Gadot, Sterling K Brown, Jimmy Kimmel, Guillermo Del Toro and Millie Bobby Brown.
"What an absolute honour," Padukone wrote on Instagram after the Time 100 list was announced.
In a separate post, she thanked her xXx: The Return Of Xander Cage co-star Vin Diesel for authoring her write-up for Time.
"Deepika is the best Earth has to offer. She's not just here to represent India; she's here to represent the world," Diesel wrote.
"When Deepika Padukone came in to read for one of the Fast and the Furious films, I knew instantly I was in the presence of someone very special. As soon as she entered the room, there was a synchronicity, a synergy, a chemistry, it promised great things to come," Diesel wrote on TIME website, added that Padukone was one of the best actresses he has ever worked with.
"Anyone could talk about how beautiful she is, and anyone could tell you about her unmatched comedic timing. But she isn't just a star. She's an actor's actor, dedicated to the craft," said Diesel.
Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has written a bio on Kohli, featured under Titans with the likes of Roger Federer, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. "The U-19 World Cup in 2008 was very important for India, as it would define the next bunch of youngsters who would go on to represent the nation. That was the first time I watched this young, passionate player lead India," wrote Tendulkar.