It has been close to a year since superstar Shah Rukh Khan graced the silver screen. His last offering was Zero (2018) which, unfortunately, failed to put up a great show at the box-office and incurred heavy losses for all the stakeholders involved. Fans have been waiting for Khan to announce his next film ever since. However, the superstar is keeping all the cards close to his chest, it seems.
With some sort of announcement imminent in coming few days, rumours are doing the rounds in the tinsel town of Bollywood that Shah Rukh Khan will be working with either celebrated filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani or successful South Indian filmmaker Atlee Kumar. According to a report published in a popular entertainment portal, Khan’s next film has been titled Sanki. It will be helmed by Atlee.
The publication quotes a source as saying, “The makers of Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee’s next are very keen to title it as Sanki. Shah Rukh might be seen playing the role of a hothead hero and that is why the title. The team might announce the same on the occasion of Shah Rukh’s birthday.”
Shah Rukh Khan is turning 54 on 2nd November. According to reports published by several media outlets, the superstar might announce his next project on the occasion. We are sure that all film enthusiasts and trade pundits are going to be hooked to Khan’s Twitter handle after two days from now.
Rajkumar Hirani and Atlee both are immensely successful filmmakers. If Khan collaborated with either of them, we can expect firecrackers at the box-office. The superstar certainly needs a huge hit to consolidate his position in the business, as his last few films have underperformed at the ticket window.
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