Amid Dusshera festival celebrations, a commuter train travelling at high speed struck a crowd of people seated on tracks in northern India on Friday (19) and at least 50 were feared killed, Punjab state police and witnesses said.
"The people were sitting on and near the tracks on the outskirts of Amritsar watching the burning of effigies as part of the Dusshera festival when a commuter train ran over them," a police officer told Reuters.
Reuters partner ANI news agency reported that an eyewitness at the scene said the train that ran over people was travelling at a high speed.
Amarinder Singh, Punjab chief minister, said he was rushing to Amritsar to supervise relief and rescue operations. "District authorities have been mobilised on war footing," Singh tweeted.
“Rushing to Amritsar to personally supervise relief and rescue in tragic rail accident on Dussehra in Amritsar. My government will give Rs 5, 00000 to kin of each deceased and free treatment to injured in government and private hospitals. District authorities have been mobilised on war footing,” the chief minister tweeted.