After impressing audiences with Ishq Subhan Allah, ZEE TV has launched the second season of the popular show, which has been titled Ishq Subhan Allah – Ek Naya Mohabbatnama. The new season hit the airwaves a couple of weeks ago and has already become quite popular among the audience.
Ishq Subhan Allah – Ek Naya Mohabbatnama is filled with a lot of twists and turns, which have been keeping the audience on the edge of their seats ever since the show went on-air recently. The new season revolves around the lives of Kabir and Zara, played by Adnan Khan and Tunisha Sharma respectively.
Actress Tunisha Sharma has been working extra hard to perfect her part on the show. To make her portrayal of Zara stand out and leave an impression, she has been learning Urdu for the role. When she fails to attend her classes, due to time constraints, her tutor comes on the set to teach her.
Talking about her experience of learning the language, Tunisha Sharma says, “Urdu is a completely new language to me. But when I started speaking it on the show, I was extremely intrigued. Hence, I decided to learn the nuances and the diction. For the same, I have been going for Urdu tuitions and when I cannot, due to time constraints, the teacher comes on the set to teach me. I even listen to audiobooks and watch Urdu language shows to get the pronunciations right. But the best part is that the team on-set also helps me understand the meaning of certain words and phrases, so that I can emote better.”
Ishq Subhan Allah – Ek Naya Mohabbatnama is produced by Create Eye.