Actress Vaishali Takkar, who plays Shivani in the newly launched show Super Sisters on SAB TV, believes in love. Her reel character Shivani has the magical powers, but unfortunately, she can never fall in love with someone.
Speaking on that, Vaishali says, "I believe in love, the three words “I Love You” are immensely powerful and impactful. It can bring so many positive changes in someone's life. Love is also attached with respect. These two go hand in hand."
Vaishali is also giving her best to Shivani's role and, in the process, there have been times when she hurt herself on the sets.
The actress adds, "My character is the lead of the show and I have a huge responsibility. I am giving my best. There was a scene where I was lying on the bed and my co-star kicks me out from the bed. To give it a perfect effect, I bruised my knee. And then recently I was doing the famous RK pose with my co-actor Gaurav Wadhwa in the show and the scene involved a part where Gaurav will drop me and I will fall. I fell on my elbows and got hurt. Overall, I am having a great experience in the show and enjoying every moment."