Popular Indian television actress Ankita Lokhande, who became a household name playing the character of Archana Deshmukh in Ekta Kapoor’s successful show Pavitra Rishta, on Tuesday tied the nuptial knot with businessman Vicky Jain in an intimate ceremony in Mumbai. The wedding ceremony saw the attendance of the couple’s family and friends from the industry.
Their wedding ceremony was held at the city’s Grand Hyatt Hotel, where Lokhande’s friends from the industry, including actors Amruta Khanvilkar and Srishty Rode were present. Rode and Khanvilkar took to their Instagram stories and shared pictures of the couple, confirming that the couple got married.
The groom arrived with his baraat in a vintage car, pictures and videos of which were shared by her fans on social media.
For the ceremony, the 36-year-old Pavitra Rishta star wore a golden lehenga while Jain matched the bride with a golden-white sherwani. The couple had been dating for over two years.
The wedding festivities of the couple began from Saturday with a mehendi ceremony, followed by an engagement and the sangeet night, which was also attended by Lokhande's close friend, actor Kangana Ranaut.
The duo worked together in the 2019 historical film Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi in which Ranaut played the titular role.
A red-carpet event for the couple's reception was called off due to rising COVID cases in the city.
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