Bollywood actor and producer Uday Chopra found himself being mercilessly being trolled online after he tweeted about Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala's political affiliation.
Sharing a link to Vala's Wikipedia page, Chopra referred to him as the "BJP-RSS Guy." Vala is the former Gujarat BJP leader who once vacated his seat for Narendra Modi. He later served as finance minister in Modi’s cabinet. Vala was made Karnataka's Governor shortly after the BJP came to power in the Center in 2014.
"I just googled the governor of Karnataka BJP guy and RSS hmmm I guess we all know what’s gonna happen," Chopra wrote on his Twitter page.
Soon he was massively trolled.
Rahul Gandhi Of Bollywood Is Standing In Solidarity With Rahul Gandhi Of Politics To Provide Him Some Moral Support. So Cute, Uday Chopra. ??? #KarnatakaVerdict #KarnatakaElectionResults
— Sir Ravindra Jadeja (@SirJadejaaaa) May 15, 2018
"Ha! So many trolls on my timeline suddenly. I agree I am no one of consequence but I am still an Indian and I care deeply about my country. How dare I have an opinion opposed to yours," Chopra tweeted.