Known for directing such successful films as Oh My God (2012) and 102 Not Out (2018), director Umesh Shukla has finalized his next directorial offering. The National Award-winning filmmaker is set to direct a biopic based on the life of well-known public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam.
Titled Nikam, the upcoming movie will tell the untold story of the man who fought some the most fascinating and controversial cases of India in his illustrious career. National Award-winning writer Bhavesh Mandalia and Gaurav Shukla have joined hands to write the biopic.
Bombay Fables and Merry Go Round Studios have acquired the rights to tell the interesting story of Ujjwal Nikam on celluloid. Apart from calling the shots, Umesh Shukla will co-produce the movie along with Sejal Shah, Ashish Wagh, Gaurav Shukla and Bhavesh Mandalia.
Talking more about the movie, Ujjwal Nikam said in a statement: “I have been pursued for years to write a book or make a movie on my life. I was reluctant as I have a huge responsibility towards my victims. But I agreed to collaborate with this talented team, as I trust them to tell a story that will hopefully inspire and do justice to what we have fought for.”
Director Umesh Shukla added, “We are thrilled to be making a movie on the life of such a captivating and motivating person. Not all heroes wear capes, some wear the black coat. And Nikam is a true hero. He is India’s avenger, who believes in justice and not revenge.”
Bhavesh Mandalia and Gaurav Shukla said, “The story will be heart-warming, funny and thrilling. And ridden with suspense and intrigue.”
The biopic is set to mount the shooting floor soon. More details are highly awaited.