Rating: 4.5/5
Kika and Me is a true story of Amit Patel, an AE doctor based in London who lost his sight in 2013 due to a rare condition.
The book takes the reader on a moving, heart-felt journey starting from his childhood in 1980’s Guilford. It was while studying medicine that Patel learnt he had an eye condition called keratonconus, which could easily be managed by corneal transplants.
But after the seventh transplant failure, Patel heads to New York to consider his options and finds a specialist who is willing to supervise an eighth transplant at a clinic in Harley Street, London. Unfortunately, Patel is one of the rare individuals for whom the transplant is rejected.
Soon after being registered blind and the emotional pain around that, Patel struggles to adjust to his new life and is even assaulted while out with his white cane. Then with the loving support of his wife Seema, he adjusts to this new way of being.
When guide dog Kika, enters his life everything changes and the story that follows shows the bonding process between the two, which subsequently leads to positive life changing moments.
This is a truly heart-felt story of how the love of a supportive wife, family and best friend Kika gave strength to a man in the face of adversity, who uses his loss to inspire and help others.
The well-written book takes the reader on an emotion-filled journey that shows there is always hope even during the darkest times. Apart from being an engaging story, the page-turner is also inspiring and has many uplifting moments. There is also a lot of love that shines through the pages on a book that will surprise any reader if they pick it up.
Overall, this is a fine example of a book that tells an uplifting story, but also makes you think along the way and is much needed at a time where people are losing hope around the world.