Urmila Matondkar, who used to be one of the reigning queens of Bollywood in the 90s, has added a new feather to her cap. The actress has turned producer along with her husband Mohsin Akhtar. Today she launched the trailer of her first Marathi film Madhuri in the presence of the entire cast and crew.
Bankrolled and presented by Matondkar and Akhtar’s production banner Mumbapuri Productions, Madhuri has been directed by Swapna Waghmare Joshi. It stars popular Hindi and Marathi film actress Sonali Kulkarni in the title role. Besides Kulkarni, Sharad Kelkar and Sanhita Joshi also play important characters in the flick.
If the trailer of the movie is anything to go by, Madhuri revolves around a woman and her relationship with her daughter. Things get a little haywire when doctors inform the teenage girl that her mother suffers from an uncommon personality disorder.
Talking about the message given by this film, Mohsin Akhtar said, "If the situation is bad we feel bad, but that does not mean that we forget to laugh. We all get such phases in life but we still keep living the life. We want to give the same message to the youngsters and their parents."
Madhuri is set to arrive in theatres on 30th Nov.
Here're some pictures from the trailer launch event.
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