Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film Pathaan (2023) has set the box office on fire. Ever since its theatrical release on January 25, the film has been doing phenomenal business not only in India but overseas also.
The spy thriller marked Khan’s return to the silver screen after a huge gap of more than four years. And when Pathaan finally found its way into cinemas, fans were over the moon and thronged to cinemas to watch their favourite superstar on the screen after years.
The roaring success of the Siddharth Anand directorial has caught the notice of international critics as well. Critics all over the world are praising the film and its lead star Shah Rukh Khan. However, an American journalist and critic recently referred to Khan as ‘India's Tom Cruise’ in an article, and this comparison did not go down well with the millions of Khan’s fans.
Scott Mendelson, who writes for The Wrap, shared a link to an article he wrote with the headline: “India's Tom Cruise Shah Rukh Khan May Have Just Saved Bollywood With His Blockbuster Pathaan.”
SRK fans were quick to react to his article.
“He isn't Tom Cruise, he is Shah Rukh Khan, the one and only,” wrote an angered fan.
"SRK is SRK. He isn't Indian Tom Cruise but rather a national treasure, he is a man beyond his films" read another.
One tweet said simply: “The disrespect.”
"SRK is King, the multidimensional greatest actor with attitude, style, craft, drama, romance, action, etc. No one is even closer to him. Do not ever compare him with any other person," wrote another SRK fan.
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