Months after announcing Akshay Kumar as the leading man of their next production offering Bell Bottom, the makers at Pooja Entertainment and Emmay Entertainment have now finalized the leading lady of the espionage thriller. Actress Vaani Kapoor, who was last seen in Yash Raj Films’ War (2019), has been signed on to romance Khiladi Kumar in the much-awaited movie.
Excited Kapoor took to her Instagram account to share the news with her fans. “Super, super thrilled and excited for this one! Teaming up with the one and only Akshay Kumar Sir. Can’t wait! Let’s get this started,” she wrote in her post.
Talking about the movie, Vaani said, “I am excited to share the screen space with Akshay Sir. It is definitely a script I instantly clicked with and knew I wanted to be part of. I am also thrilled to partner with Pooja Entertainment who have already made me feel at home at this initial stage of our film. I am eagerly waiting to start shooting Bell Bottom.”
Producer Jackky Bhagnani said that he is confident that Vaani will ace the role in the film. “Vaani is an intelligent and effective actor and I have loved all her performances. The female lead in Bell Bottom has to be in sync with Akshay Sir’s screen persona. The role is meaty and I am confident that Vaani will ace this one,” he said in a statement.
To be helmed by Ranjit M Tewari from a script written by Aseem Arrora and Parveez Shaikh, Bell Bottom is scheduled to begin production in August. The film is slated to arrive in theatres on 2nd April, 2021.
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