Varun Dhawan is set to star in the upcoming film October which is a love story with a twist. The actor has been paired opposite debutante Banita Sandhu in the film. In an interaction with a leading Indian entertainment portal, Varun Dhawan gave credit to Banita Sandhu for his performance in the film.
Varun said, "Banita is someone that I'm so fond of. I can definitely say that she's done an incredible job. The amount that she has given to this film, very rarely an actor gives that. You give so much and then there's that extra percentage where you don't give because it can harm you also. But, she went for it. If I had to give people credit, I'd give dada (Shoojit Sircar) obviously, Juhi and I will give credit to Banita also for myself in the film because if it was not for her, if it was not for her eyes, if it was not for her soul, I would not be able to be me in this film."
Talking about whether he felt protective about Banita, the actor revealed, "I started off wanting to be very protective of her because she is just 20 years old. She was small on set, everything is new to her. But, by the end, she was taking care of me. Not that I am a baby or anything like that (laughs) but honestly, by the end, the kind of connection that we got... that we always wanted to look out for each other. I would be so worried about her during certain scenes and she would be like, 'Varun, I got this, don't worry! I'm fine.' And I would be like, what is this girl made of? Because seeing her, this is happening to me, I just hope that she's okay. I'm excited for people to see her in this film."
October is scheduled to release on April 13, 2018.