Varun Dhawan is all set to play a housekeeper named Dan in his upcoming film October. During the trailer launch, Varun was asked by a journalist if it was a risk to do October considering the fact that his previous films have been a blockbuster. To this, Varun replied, "I always look at films like this a good film or a bad film. I don't believe that this is a big film and cost of production will be high so it will earn huge. It is always a story, I always look that the people I work with, how much of themselves are they putting into the film."
"I can tell with certainty that Shoojit da and Juhi (Chaturvedi) has put everything they could, their personal experiences their love, their passion for cinema into this film. I was cast last in the movie, first Banita was cast then I was cast and that is how it should be. It shouldn't be like a person should be cast just because his movies are working. He cast me into this film before Badri or Judwaa released. I literally chased him like I said," Varun added.
"When he narrated the film and why he wants to make this film, I was so moved that I felt 'forget everything, I need this film'. I am saying this today, No matter what people might think, of all the people here, I need this film the most in my career, more than anyone else," Varun said.
On being asked whether he bothered about the finance of the movie, Varun said, "As an actor, I want to work in films and not think of financials. If I had to think of only financials, I would produce a film. I can’t even think of taking a percentage in such movies."
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