Vijay Varma, who has impressed audiences with his unforgettable performances in such films as Gully Boy (2019), Super 30 (2019), and Ghost Stories (2020), has had a busy year. The actor has been shooting non-stop since the turn of the year and has a lot of big projects in the pipeline. He has been hopping from one city to another for his shoots and even now is stationed in a small town for a shoot.
A source close to the actor shares, “Vijay is currently shooting in a small town near Mumbai, called Jawhar. He is working on the untitled project by Viacom 18 as of now and will wrap up the Jawhar schedule by the 18th and return to Mumbai. Post that he will resume with the Mumbai shoot schedule of this Sumit Saxena project while juggling brand commitments side by side.”
Sharing further, “The past 2 months he was stationed in Varanasi throughout shooting for this one and then he just took a short break to visit his family for Diwali in Hyderabad. The very next day, on the 5th of November, he was in Jawhar for his shoot. With this speed, Vijay is expected to complete the shoot well in time and wrap up the project by November end.”
The Ok Computer (2021) actor has been on a roll with shoots. Earlier this year, he wrapped his upcoming project with Shahrukh Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment named Darlings. The film will see him pairing up with his Gully Boy co-star Alia Bhatt, only this time they will be starring opposite each other.
Vijay's line-up also includes big-ticket projects like the streaming show Fallen with Sonakshi Sinha and Hurdang with Nushrratt Bharuccha and Sunny Kaushal.
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