After coming onboard as a co-producer for Abhishek Kapoor's much-delayed film Kedarnath, filmmaker Ronnie Screwvala is planning a new film. Though the project will take some time in being officially announced, we hear that the casting for the same has already been locked.
According to reports, Screwvala has cast actors Vikrant Massey and Sunny Singh to topline his next production venture. Massey and Singh both started their career from television before making their presence felt in Bollywood.
Talking about the untitled film, we hear that Screwvala has signed a new director to helm it. Other details will be revealed soon.
Massey was last seen in the Ekta Kapoor presented Lipstick Under My Burkha and Singh played the second male lead in the surprise hit Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety.