Yesterday, the whole social media was buzzing with the news that noted filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj has titled his next film with Deepika Padukone as Rani. However, the director has rubbished all such reports.
The Haider helmer took to the micro-blogging site Twitter to announce that his next film is not called Rani. "So amusing to find out that everyone except me knows the title of my upcoming film! This is absolutely false news, the movie is not titled Rani and it is not based on Sapna Didi's life," he tweeted.
Earlier, it was being reported that the next venture of Bhardwaj is based on the life of late mafia queen, Sapna Didi, who used to be a feared name in the underworld once. But with the director saying that his film has nothing to do with Sapna Didi, the question arises what his next film is based on.
Well, it looks like we will have to wait a little longer to know the name and subject of the film.
Aside from Deepika Padukone, the forthcoming film also stars Irrfan Khan in the lead role. The untitled film is mounting the shooting floor in March in Nepal.