Acclaimed filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, known for such award-winning movies as Makdee (2002), Omkara (2006) and Kaminey (2009), will soon launch his son Aasman in the film industry.
The news has been confirmed by none other than Bhardwaj’s wife and singer par excellence Rekha Bhardwaj.
“My son is completing filmmaking in NYFA (New York Film Academy) and we will launch him as a director in May. He also composes music and makes Vishal listen to them. Both father and son duo bond over film making,” said Rekha.
When asked about the kind of films her son would like to make, the eminent singer said, “Most boys like the thriller genre. He is a bundle of talent and has inherited all our qualities. Whenever he comes up with something, whether it is a piece of writing or lyrics, we don’t smother him with appreciation. Instead, we encourage him to make it better. He feels excited and tries to give his best.”
Well, someone has very rightly said that an apple does not fall far from the tree.