Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh on Wednesday said that his forthcoming film 83 is not just a film but a tribute to the moment that made history in the game of Indian cricket. Directed by filmmaker Kabir Khan, the sports drama chronicles India’s win under Kapil Dev’s captainship, when the team defeated West Indies in the final to clinch their first-ever World Cup trophy in 1983. Singh steps into the shoes of Kapil Dev.
Expressing gratitude to his fans and well-wishers, the 36-year-old actor posted a heartfelt note on Instagram thanking everyone for appreciating the trailer, which has garnered more than 50 million views on YouTube.
“Thank you to movie fans all over the country and beyond, our film fraternity, the press… people from all walks of life and generations have appreciated the movie's trailer, and we are filled with gratitude and gladness,” he wrote.
For Singh, 83 is ‘not just a movie but his way of paying tribute to the historic win of India against the West Indies. “…it’s a glorious tribute to that moment in Indian history that changed it all! It's about the great achievement of the Indian Cricket Team of 1983 – ‘Kapil's Devils'! These men are legends, and it's an honour to be a part of the cinematic telling of their iconic story on the big screen!” he said.
“Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous and loving messages! Kaptaan Kabir Khan, it’s everything you dreamed of! Take a bow!” he added.
Singh's actor wife Deepika Padukone essays the role of Romi, Kapil's wife in 83. Actors Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Jiiva, Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Chirag Patil, Dinker Sharma, Nishant Dahiya, Harrdy Sandhu, Sahil Khattar, Ammy Virk, Addinath Kothare, Dhairya Karwa, and R Badree round out the cast of the film.
Presented by Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films, 83 will arrive in cinema halls on December 24 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.
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