Over the past few years, Priyanka Chopra has established herself as a force to reckon with globally. After carving a niche for herself in Bollywood, she is now dominating Hollywood. The actress first garnered the attention of the world when she won the Miss World pageant in 2000. Years later, she hit the global headlines once again when she starred in the popular ABC drama Quantico in 2015 and became the first South Asian actress to lead an American series.
Often referred to by the nickname “Piggy Chops”, Chopra is currently married to actor and singer Nick Jonas and the couple welcomed their first child together earlier this year. Years before getting hitched to Jonas, Chopra had said in an interview that she would go violent if her man ever cheated on her. She also said she would beat the shit out of him in case of infidelity.
“I buy my own diamonds. When a guy comes into my life, it will not be for diamonds. A guy will come into my life only when I am in love. I don’t need a guy for anything except children… if my man cheated, I would probably beat the shit out of him. I am the kind of person who would get violent. Depending on how much I love him, I may or may not forgive him,” the actress said during an interview with a leading Indian film magazine.
However, her comment did not go down well with netizens who mercilessly trolled her for her ‘toxic’ point of view.
“Toxic femineity right there”, commented one user.
Another wrote, “Toxic AF. What is she implying? The other women want partners for buying diamonds and she is “different”? Not like the other girls. You want a partner just for children? There are sperm banks. Yeh kya bakwas hai?”
“PC babe, you gonna thrash your partner for cheating on you? Then what about all the men that cheated on their partner with you? The ones you knew very well were married?” wrote the third one.
Talking about her forthcoming projects, Priyanka Chopra will next be seen in international projects such as Love Again and the series Citadel, produced by Russo Brothers.
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