Yami Gautam, who recently tied the knot with filmmaker Aditya Dhar, has joined hands with Pink (2016) director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury to topline his next directorial Lost. The film, which aims to highlight the “issue of media integrity”, features Gautam in the role of a feisty crime reporter. The film will also feature veteran actor Pankaj Kapur, Rahul Khanna, Neil Bhoopalam, Pia Bajpiee and Tushar Pandey in important roles. ZEE Studios and Namah Pictures are bankrolling the project.
Shariq Patel, Chief Business Officer, Zee Studios, said the tightly knit script of the film will definitely keep the audiences engaged till the end. “We are confident that Aniruddha will create a masterpiece with his skills and Yami will be a delight to watch in this role. The film will resonate with everyone and highlight important social issues of current times,” Patel said in a statement.
Chowdhury called Lost an emotional thriller. “The film explores themes like commitment, responsibility, holding hands and making our world beautiful and compassionate. For me, it is important that any film I make should have a social context and that the stories are taken from the world around us. Lost is an emotional thriller that represents a higher quest, a search for lost values of empathy and integrity,” he said.
The team is set to shoot the film largely at real locations across Kolkata and Purulia. Shantanu Moitra has been roped in to score music, while Swanand Kirkire will provide the lyrics.
Shareen Mantri Kedia of Namah Pictures said, “We are pleased to partner with ZEE Studios in bringing this wonderful story to audiences the world over. With Aniruddha helming the direction, Yami headlining an interesting ensemble of actors and sharp writing by Shyamal Sengupta and Ritesh Shah, this surely will be a thrilling journey.”
Produced by ZEE Studios, Shareen Mantri Kedia, Kishor Arora, Sam Fernandes and Indrani Mukherjee, Lost is set to begin production soon.
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